Where To Use Digital Signage In Your Hospital Or Clinic
The digital signage industry has grown steadily over the past year and shows no signs of stopping. In fact, some data from Statista shows that in 2023, digital media had a market value of around $50.75 billion in the United States. But we all know that such a significant market share wouldn’t be possible if it didn’t bring numerous benefits. Industries can benefit from digital signage technology, while healthcare companies reap the most benefits.

Actually, almost 60 million Americans are now involved in health online activities like searching for reviews on doctors, inquiring about health issues, tracking fitness metrics, and making inquiries about health issues. Furthermore, there were further reports of 83% of patients spending significant time interacting with hospital digital content and 78% seeking healthcare digital signage when available.
However, ensuring the efficiency of digital signage means exposing these patients to the correct information at your own pace. You can install digital signage elements in the waiting areas, cafeterias, main entrances, and hospital corridors. Here are other areas where you can install digital signage to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in a hospital.
1. Main Entrances and Lobbies
If you want to connect with these patients, the clinic’s entrance and lobby are the first things you should consider. If your facility is in a large-story building, it can be intimidating and frustrating for the patients to find their way around. Digital signage will allow you to communicate a lot without saying much.
You can start by greeting them with the hospital’s services, values, and promotions. This will reassure them and help them calm down. Next, provide initial directions by giving clear instructions to help them reach their destinations. The main thing here is to ensure hospital efficiency and improve patient experience by enhancing an excellent first impression.
You can also follow these by giving your facility a professional look. This includes displaying the facility’s layout and services. These may include:
- A display of hospital news, health tips and updates
- Graphical illustrations of the different services provided by the facility
- Displaying the various departments within the facility
Doing these will make it easy for your clients to navigate the facility. You can also include maps and digital directories to help them navigate.
2. Waiting Areas
Sometimes, patients have to endure long queues in hospitals, making them feel tortured and worsening their mental health. You can, however, ensure effective line management with digital signage to help reduce their anxiety and shorten their wait.
During the wait, you can display estimated wait times, provide health tips, preventive care information depending on the display department, or just general preventive information. You can also display available hospital services. This ensures efficient line management, thereby improving the patients’ satisfaction.
You can also engage these people with news, weather updates, and family-friend content to keep them occupied. This generally reduces stress and makes them more comfortable.
3. Hallways and Corridors
Most patients would like a hospital if they could easily find their way around the facility. You can make your patients happy by adding clear and easy-to-read directional signage along the hallways to direct patients to emergency rooms, exits, and other departments within the facility.
However, this isn’t only restricted to patients but you can also engage your staff by including information on essential matters happening at the moment. This will help them know when and where they are needed. Directional signage can also include health campaigns promoting health awareness and hospital initiatives.
4. Cafeterias and Dining Areas
One thing you want to ensure at the cafeteria is that you engage these patients by interacting with them at the screen café. You can also give them a first impression of what you offer and the extra services you provide.
Display the updated menu on the screen in these dining rooms daily. Make this menu more attractive by including interactive visuals of the recipes, short video clips, and images about the menu on the digital signage. Additionally, nutritional information and unique dietary options should be shared within the menu. This will help you upsell your services and improve communication about the kind of meals you provide.
You can also make digital signage your most vital marketing tool. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that hotels that use digital signage see a 20% increase in revenue. Promote the meals on the menu, but also make specialities and advise on the healthiest meals and their benefits. To show professionalism, add some nutritional advice and encourage healthy eating.
5. Staff Areas
Engaging your employees in real time ensures they perform their duties effectively. Digital signage helps improve communication with employees, improve job performance, and reduce extra costs that may result from avoidable errors.
Daily communication in a hospital can cost $12 billion per year, but investing in digital signage could save up to $8.1 billion in a year. Digital signage allows communication with your staff and market healthcare strategies on these screens.
You will be able to:
- Post reminders and updates about meetings
- Display updates on the new hospital policies and those you want to stress on
- Announce training sessions, upcoming workshops, and the general upcoming events within the facility
- Celebrating staff who have made notable strides, work anniversaries, employees of the month, and posting birthdays
You can also use these boards to ensure continued professionalism by informing the staff about significant industry changes, healthcare updates, or changes you would love to see. Including digital signage in hospitals will engage your employees and ensure efficient communication within the facility.
6. Pharmacy Areas
There is no better way to improve your customers’ experience than digital signage. With these, you can display information on efficiently managing medication, provide healing tips, and promote other pharmaceuticals.
These screens can be your opportunity to display prescription refill reminders, dosage instructions, and other information that will help patients understand their medications. They may also include the drugs’ side effects and advise the patient on how to manage these side effects to stay strong through the healing process.
Moreover, you can display offers on over-the-counter medications and health products and services. This will help you foster engagement and loyalty among customers. With dynamic content, these screens can be powerful educational tools that empower your patients to take charge of their health.
7. Emergency Rooms
Digital signage is a chance to inform patients about what to expect during their visit to the facility. This will make them feel like they are waiting less, even simultaneously.
You can reduce stress and anxiety in the emergency rooms by displaying something fun and calming on the screen to help the patients forget about waiting too long. Give out tickets to call patients when it’s their turn, provide directions, and give a patient a hint on how long they might wait in line.
Provide helpful and meaningful content and educational videos on tips on staying healthy, first aid advice, and emergency response tips.
Improve Your Customer Experience with Digital Signage
While the paramount importance of digital signage may seem to be reducing wait times and keeping patients engaged, it is more than this. Digital signage is here to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your facility’s operations.
It is a chance to communicate effectively and ensure your employees and customers are satisfied with the services in place. You can also input a multi-language support band that allows mobile phone integration to keep your customers close to you at all times. Adopt digital signage today and take your clinical services to the next level.