Dynamic Digital Signage: From “Good to Have” to a “Must Have”

Dynamic Digital Signage: From “Good to Have” to a “Must Have”

As consumers grow more complex in how they process information and respond to visual stimulus, signage has to keep up. Dynamic digital signage trumps traditional advertising and marketing by not only drawing customers but keeping them engaged as well. While it may have been a luxury upgrade a decade ago, it’s now a must-have in multiple industries where savvy consumers expect better information presentation and engagement.

The Evolution of Dynamic Digital Signage

The very first attempts at digital signage date back to the 1970s, but they didn’t develop any sophistication until around 2000. The displays used in the 70s and 80s were basic tube television sets that connected to a VCR or closed circuit television loop to play pre-recorded messages and ads. Considering the limits on size and quality, this form of digital signage didn’t keep the interest of customers for too long.

In addition to the limited features, these first displays came with high price tags. Businesses had to purchase televisions, video playback equipment, and connect the parts together to form a cohesive system. There was also the need for professional recording and editing for the content, which ultimately increased the TCO of the system.

In contrast, today’s dynamic digital signage solutions come in turnkey packages that integrate easily with existing systems. Most have a cloud-based platform, which eliminates the need to download applications/software that have limits on flexibility and management. Better solutions include apps and widgets that automatically create, display and update content on digital screens.

Developing Advanced Technology

In the last decade, dynamic digital signage has advanced to the point that it offers huge returns. By 2010, 70% of consumers were viewing digital video displays regularly. This kind of signage remains within the reach of both small and big businesses. The most

Recent developments in signage technology that have triggered a windfall of adoption include:

  • Falling costs and rising sizes for flat-panel screens, allowing businesses with tight budgets to afford more units.
  • Improving software for content management, which helps business owners manage hundreds of individual signs.
  • Connecting other digital data sensors, such as labor trackers or product tags, to display up to the minute updates to digital signage content.
  • Tracking expansion, with integrated cameras to measure how many people view the sign and how long they linger.
  • Expanding ideas for use, including employee training, emergency messaging, and interactive displays.

It has taken 10 years for dynamic digital signage to truly mature as its own industry, but the swell in demand for the products in 2015 proves that the technology has reached the tipping point for widespread use.

Businesses and organizations that don’t invest in digital signs now will fall behind their competitors, especially as the next decade passes.

The Digital Signage Metaverse

In 1992, Neal Stephenson wrote the science fiction book Snow Crash. In it, he described a world where humans interacted with the digital world through avatars in a sort of virtual reality. Coining the term “metaverse”, this was his prediction on how humans would interact with each other in the future.

Almost 30 years late, and there are parts to this story that are coming true. Through various VR devices, we can now interact with other humans thousands of miles away in various 3D worlds.

But how would digital signage look in this metaverse?

Although it’s hard to give an accurate guess, we think it will be centered around the biggest role of digital signage; improved and increased communication.

In the metaverse, there would be individual servers or perhaps even conference rooms for businesses to use. Even in virtual reality, you still need a way to communicate to individuals and groups. This can be best achieved with visual displays.

In essence, you would still have Digital Signage with everything but the player. Digital Signage will probably exist as a software to display messages. These still need to be easy to use and able to be updated remotely. But will be customizable based on the specifications from the server.

The Right Message at the Right Place & Time

Dynamic digital signage is becoming a cornerstone of advertising and marketing due to its accuracy in targeting both potential and committed customers. With comprehensive scheduling and audience measurement tools, digital signage targets messages to a specific audience and at the specific time. This ensures that the message is relevant and will inspire action.

It shapes customer experiences by making sure that the message being displayed is relevant and will inspire action:

  • Display discounts and sales for without relying on your employees to track and administer the plan.
  • Promote special events to increase awareness and drive attendance.
  • Share social media feeds to increase social engagement and online conversations about the brand.
  • Reduce perceived wait times by displaying entertaining content e.g. trivia, to customers waiting in line.
  • Explain the unique brand proposition of your company to people browsing your store.
  • Expand your reach by advertising products or services often overlooked, a proven technique for getting upsells on food and retail package deals.


Expanding Beyond Retail

The versatility of digital signage makes it a natural tool to improve the shopping experiences. It’s no surprise that 20% of all new digital signs sold in 2015 went to retail businesses. That being said, digital signage has a lot of use and qualitative benefits outside the retail environment.

Dynamic digital signage is powerful when used in service industries. Clinics and hospitals can maintain a steady flow of patients, reduce patient anxiety and control frustrations. Corporate offices and manufacturing plants can communicate important announcements and display production/sales/marketing metrics to improve productivity. Airports can better manage the flow of passengers, amusement parks can make waiting more entertaining and engaging, and restaurants can improve menu management and the dining experience.

The Power of Dynamic Digital Signage

Modern dynamic digital signage isn’t just attractive and powerful. Advanced features make it so static signs simply can’t compete. For example, 4K digital signage packs in so many pixels that the images rendered on the screen are more prominent with a bigger visual impact. Another example is interactive digital signage that creates immersive experiences and gives customers more control over their shopping journeys.

In a nutshell, the features of today’s digital signage solutions make it easy to manage communications, even for non-technical users. Businesses are able to display engaging, relevant information, and that’s important for modern savvy customers.

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