Top 9 Uses of Digital Signage in Movie Theaters
Digital signage in movie theaters is replacing static posters and message boards that are no longer making a great impact on moviegoers or employees.
It is a dynamic messaging solution that combines visuals with data, through dynamic content apps, to display content in visually arresting graphics. Such content includes movie posters, ads, concession stand menu boards, ticketing info, seating info, etc.
Theater managers can leverage digital signage in the following ways to get a great ROI:
1. Promote current and upcoming films
Capitalize on the time customers spend waiting for tickets, snacks, or for the movie to start by promoting current and future films, and other cinema specials.
Display automated movie posters, showtimes, and ratings, and incorporate scannable QR codes so customers can download movie trailers and other information easily and quickly.

Digital signage plays an important role in putting such promos and ads in front of the customers. In fact, between 2014 and 2015 alone, ad blocking grew by 41%, costing advertisers nearly $22 billion.
Brands are recognizing such shortcomings of traditional media, prompting them to invest in newer marketing technologies like digital out-of-home signage (DOOH), a medium that reaches real people to drive significant digital engagement.
2. Increase concession sales
Bold imagery, eye-catching animations, and vivid videos on a digital menu board generate higher sales at concession stands.
In addition, menu boards can be used to promote combos or upsell slow-moving items. They can also be easily updated from a cloud-based CMS to reflect current inventory e.g. when the stand runs out of a specific drink, the drink can be removed from the menu board in a matter of seconds.

These promos can be run throughout the digital signage network, and not on the menu boards alone. Incorporating QR codes with coupons or special offers on displays away from the concession stand e.g. hallways helps drive traffic back to where food and beverages are being sold.
Bonus Tip: Download our free whitepaper to find out more creative ways of applying dynamic pricing on concession menu boards and theater signage to boost revenues and profits.
3. Leverage social media to increase customer engagement
Use social media widgets to create a digital social media wall that can be used to generate buzz around movies and events. Live feeds excite moviegoers who’ll be eager to add their posts, tweets, etc, often with geotags or #hashtags that highlight the theater.
Customers who are engaged in this manner are more valuable, delivering 3X the value to the brand than an average customer.
Social media also generates automated content. Moviegoers’ posts will fill the lobby signs with fresh content with little to no work from the manager.
4. Value-added advertising for customers
Digital signage can display different content/media at the same time, giving businesses more digital real estate to add value to messages.
Theater managers who have become digital signage champions are taking advantage of this feature to retain customer interest in advertisements.
For instance, they are displaying news headlines or weather updates alongside specials from the concession stand or upcoming movie titles. Providing such helpful or useful information creates interest in the digital displays, drawing more eyeballs to the ads.
You will never achieve this kind of dynamic messaging with inanimate static posters.

5. Increase event attendance
Managers can promote events and increase attendance by displaying automated event listings on digital displays in the movie theater.
Through the use of content widgets, the digital signage CMS automatically pulls event data from calendars or scheduling software.
Additionally, to increase brand awareness and consistency, the event list can be customized with brand colors, text font, and images.
6. Traffic information display
Theater managers can add value to their digital signage network by displaying info such as traffic.
As moviegoers exit the theater and head home, you can display traffic information. They’ll have quick, at-a-glance, access to info such as traffic delays, road closures, etc, helping them get to their destinations easier and faster.
Offering info such as navigation assistance raises brand trust.
Your moviegoers learn to see the value in the displays. Managers can leverage this by displaying additional information such as promotions.
7. Improve employee communication
Digital signage in movie theaters is a highly effective medium for internal communication, which is critical for smooth operation.
You can make employees better ambassadors for the movie theater by using digital signs in the breakroom to display information. Also, you can consider sharing HR protocols, company updates, coverage in the news, etc.
With a large percentage of movie theater employees born of the millennial age, communication through static posters won’t work. In fact, this generation of workers is very comfortable with technology and look to digital screens for information.
Connecting with employees on devices they interact with every day is natural. It ensures more information is cutting through the noise.
8. Measure performance
For example, you can use digital signage to visualize performance metrics and goals.
Raw data in spreadsheets is converted into graphs or charts for easy visualization and comparison by using widgets. For example, you can display information like current sales numbers converted to a graph/chart. So employees can easily visualize where ticket or concession sales are and where they need to be.
With targeted parameters placed in front of employees, it’s natural to work harder to meet or exceed goals.
9. Generate additional revenues
With customizable content and comprehensive scheduling features, movie theaters can generate additional revenue by selling ad space to local businesses. In fact, digital signage in movie theaters provides excellent exposure that savvy businesses can leverage.
The Case for Digital Signage in Movie Theaters
The value-added benefits of incorporating digital signage in movie theaters are virtually endless.
The potential for increasing profits, driving sales goals, and engaging moviegoers combined with the potential to generate additional revenue make the investment in digital signage worthwhile. In fact, with increased profits and greater ROI over traditional marketing mediums, the benefits of digital signage in movie theaters should not be overlooked.