Digital menu board showing breakfast options in a coffee Café

If Digital Signage Isn’t Needed, Why Don’t Statistics Show It?

Numbers don’t lie. The proven ROI-driven digital signage statistics show the truth of just how much businesses need digital signage solutions. Today, more than ever, any organization or business, whether in the healthcare sector, real estate, retail, or in the education vertical, that seeks to have a competitive edge must consider investing in a digital signage platform.

digital signage in a coffee shop | digital signage statistics

In fact, many have invested in all the resources required to use digital signage. Many who have yet to do so are in the process of getting digital signage solutions. With this in mind, it’s no wonder that the global digital signage market is expected to grow at an 11.2 % Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) in the 2021-2026 forecast period. Additionally, If you’ve doubted the influence digital signage has in boosting communications, keep reading to discover important stats proving how valuable it is.

Understanding Digital Signage

Before delving into why you need digital signage, it’s crucial to understand exactly what these solutions are. Digital signage reaches 135 million people a week. Furthermore, the adoption of digital signage solutions is on a steady rise, with 60% of enterprises without digital signage in their stores planning to invest in the technology within the next two years.

Today’s digital signs use LCD and LED technologies to display digital signage content such as images, HD videos, web pages, RSS feeds, real-time streams, social media posts, stock tickers, and more. Look around, and you will see these digital signage displays everywhere, from out in the streets and public spaces to inside retail stores and corporate buildings.

The components of a digital signage solution belong to the following main categories.

  • Hardware: These are the physical components of the solution and include the displays/screens, media players, and signage network components.
  • Software: Digital signage software comprises the content management system, device management system, and media playback software on the digital signage player.
  • Content: This will make up your playlists and is what displays on the screens. Digital signage content templates are readily available, and you can choose the best layouts for your displays. Also, digital signage providers offer professional content design services.
  • Connectivity: This defines how the various components, and in particular, the screens and the content management system, interact with and connect to each other. So, you can use Wi-Fi or an Ethernet connection.

Digital signs are available in different forms and sizes. From the large video walls at the shopping mall to wayfinding screens and building directories in various establishments, DOOH displays in the street, and digital menu boards at a restaurant, digital signage is all around us. 33% of users have between 1 and 24  digital signage screens, while 15% use between 15 and 99 screens. Another 12% have 100 to 149 screens, while 8% have between 250 and 999 digital signage screens. Only 9% of users have above 1000 screens in their company or enterprise.

Why You Need Digital Signage and Statistics That Prove It

There is certainly much to say about why businesses need digital signage, and these reasons carry even more merit when there are solid statistics in support.

1. Successful Marketing

Digital signage is a powerful marketing tool. These signs allow you to advertise your offerings and reach a wider audience. The eye-catching displays will grab the attention of your target audience. In fact, digital signage has an astounding recall rate of 83%. This figure is almost double the information retention rate for traditional advertising. Furthermore, Digital displays capture 400% more views than static displays. This effect is undeniable, whether prospective clients see the signs from across the retail store and even from the street.

digital signage in a lobby | digital signage statistics

Furthermore, the fact that digital signs leverage dynamic content and motion is why these displays have such a powerful attention-grabbing effect and will capture more views than static displays. You can use digital signage to launch new products and showcase upcoming sales and limited-time offers. Show off the product features and pricing to entice potential customers.

2. Improved Customer Experience

Digital signs for wayfinding ensure customers spend less time navigating your facility to find a meeting room or business. Similarly, indoor mapping in retail stores will see your customers use optimized shopping routes as they spend less time locating various items. In today’s busy world, when your typical customer has places to be and other things to do, eliminating unnecessary delays is always a plus for enhanced customer experience.

Again, where your customers have to wait, digital signage dramatically helps to reduce the perceived waiting time. Digital signage can cut perceived wait times by up to 35%. Content on your digital signs can keep customers distracted until you send notifications that it’s their turn. After all, perceived wait times are usually longer than the actual wait times. 

Having to wait too long without the distraction of engaging content on your digital displays can make customers frustrated and irritable. Such an experience is likely to turn away customers from making a repeat visit to your business. 75% of caregivers and patients who view hospital messaging on digital signage systems say that the content enhances the hospital experience and provides helpful health information. With that, digital signage proves to be a great engagement tool.

Another great way digital signage enriches customer experience is by promoting self-service. Customer behavior studies show a predominant preference for self-service over dealing with a human representative. However, ensure your self-service platform has all the resources customers may need, and you can look forward to repeating business on account of a good customer experience.

3. Enhanced Internal Communications

Effective communication is key to driving employee engagement numbers. A highly engaged workforce is more productive and has higher morale, which translates to better employee retention rates.

With digital signage, you have a powerful tool to convey all forms of messages to your employees. 56% of internal communication teams are considering increasing the use of digital signage within their organization. Additionally, digital signage enhances internal communication, which leads to 25% higher employee productivity.

Display KPI dashboards, so your staff knows the progress made and what you expect from them. You can reduce the need for constant emails, calls, and team meetings when you use digital signs for your internal communications.

digital signage in a courtroom | digital signage statistics

Moreover, you will be able to keep your staff members with messages recognizing employee achievements. Employees who feel appreciated are 60% more inspired to work harder and digital signage is your tool to show your recognition.

Lastly, digital signage can enhance safety with OHS and drill announcements. For every dollar invested in a meaningful safety solution, companies realize $4 – $6 in benefits.

4. Reduce Paper Use

Unlike traditional print signage, digital signage is very eco-friendly. For example, if you aren’t using paper to print out flyers, menus, internal memos, and more, you will be doing your bit to reduce the carbon footprint.

Additionally, reduced paper use translates to lower operational costs. Updating content on the cloud-based content management system is relatively easy, and you will not need to print fresh copies whenever you make these changes. Also, you can get free digital signage software for your network, further reducing the cost of adding these signs to your business.

A Solution for All Sectors

Big or small, the numbers show that all businesses, regardless of their size or scale, can greatly benefit from digital signage. More than 67% of digital signage users expect digital out-of-home advertising to increase in the next two years. With the right strategies, digital signage may very well be the game changer that positions your small business to compete with bigger and more established competitors.

Ultimately, it’s about finding the right solution and implementing the best strategy. Consult with a digital signage provider to find a solution that perfectly matches your needs and budget. Customization is critical, especially with content management, so you will need to have an in-depth understanding of your target audience and the kind of content that would appeal to them.

Content management across the various screens is relatively easy. The vendor can share tutorials and provide training to your in-house team. You can look forward to the most significant impact as you will be delivering the right message to the right audience at the right time.

Statics Show Digital Signage is the Answer

Interestingly, 50% of the human brain is wired to receive visuals. Therefore, it’s no surprise that the visual messages on digital signage displays score well in capturing attention. The same applies to memory or retention and recall rates as you communicate with multiple audiences.

digital signage in library | digital signage statistics

Digital signage is a worthy investment, and the positive impact is a guarantee. As more businesses get digital signage solutions, more data will be used as a reference for statistics. Expect updated statistics that reflect just how much every organization needs these signs.

Read More Digital Signage Insights

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