Top 5 Places to Put Digital Signage in Worship Centers
One study shows that 52.9% of religious centers use digital signage to deliver sermons. In this case, using digital signage solutions helps improve engagement during sermons. Furthermore, digital signage in worship centers helps bridge the communication gap and attracts viewers.
When placing digital signage, especially in worship centers, consider zoning districts, ground level, public right-of-way, allowable signs, the maximum height of your signage, and areas regarded as private property. Other sign regulations like sign face, total area, sign height, roof line, public street, public property, and residential use are also important.
Also, inquire about the permitted sign square feet in your real estate, the sign permit fee, number of signs allowed, minimum distance, and maximum sign area. To maximize the effect of digital signage, here are the top five placements of digital signage in places of worship.
1. Sanctuary

According to one study, 66% of youths stopped going to church in 2017. The use of digital signage in worship centers attracts this age group. Moreover, newcomers to your church will get a good first impression if you put an attractive welcome message.
Moreover, the sanctuary’s digital screens help recognize people serving the church. Therefore, you can use them to appreciate volunteers and members who play a significant role in the church. For example, you can use them to thank employees, volunteers, donors, and the church’s spokesperson.
Another reason to consider digital signage in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic is to encourage social distancing. Moreover, awning signs at the sanctuary will remind your congregation to practice preventative measures like wearing masks and sanitizing.
Church digital signage also improves the service experience for your congregation. Undertaking activities like meditating and reading gets better through visual and audio elements. Also, use wall signs at your sanctuary to reach out to members of your congregation that cannot participate in the sermon conventionally.
For example, you can such sign to engage younger kids by using colorful imagery associated with your sermon. Make everyone feel a part of the service by displaying lyrics to music along with authors and song names. Also, consider visually or deaf congregation members when implementing digital signage.
2. Main Entrance

One of the strategic places for pole signs in churches is at the main entrance. Avoid prohibited signs, and check the property line, utility poles, and subdivision landscaping easements when placing exterior digital signage.
Also, consider the supporting structure of your digital signs. Consult the neighboring property owners before erecting any signs at the main entrance. Nonconforming signs on arterial or collector streets may lead to trouble with the authorities. For example, signs shall not include pennants, balloons, or streamers,
As a rule of thumb, projecting signs shouldn’t project over five feet from the worship center. Additionally, it shouldn’t be less than the width of the sidewalk adjacent to the building. Ensure your signs offer wayfinding information for motorists who intend to use your church’s parking space.
In fact, one study established that churches spend a whopping $6,500 annually on printing and photocopying costs. You can curtail these expenses by installing digital screens. Directional signs at the main entrance of your worship center will help welcome visitors. This is also an ideal place to place a map, so newcomers know where to go.
Furthermore, consider an interactive directory if your church has several buildings. Ensure you use monument signs for crucial information like the name of your church, service times, and address.
Another reason to place freestanding signs at the church’s main entrance is to feature the church calendar. For example, if you want to host events and classes or need volunteers, you can display this information on the main entrance using a roof sign. A colorful calendar will give your entire congregation an idea of your church’s program.
3. Hallways

According to a study by the University of Southern Indiana, the U.S. disposes of over a billion trees worth of paper annually. A paper pamphlet has a short lifespan before it ends up in a waste bin. However, digital screens are reusable. Instead of creating pamphlets for church announcements, consider marquee digital signage.
Illuminated signs bearing present announcement information are best situated in high traffic areas like church hallways. Therefore, consider the light source when choosing where to place the signage. Artistic video wall installations help generate interest and expression.
What’s more, temporary signs are instrumental for fundraising. For instance, if you want to raise donations for someone undergoing medical treatment, consider using a short documentary to show their struggles. Real-life videos along the church’s hallways provide more gravity than pamphlets with simple text messages. Besides, you can use portable signs to thank volunteers and donors with spotlights, personalized messages, and praises.
4. Prayer Room

Another excellent place for digital signage is in the prayer room. Whether you will display scripture from the bible or the Koran, it will act as a great inspiration to your congregation. Moreover, you can post suggested readings to your congregation.
In addition, digital signage attracts the youth because they prefer self-service. Therefore, you can use these in prayer rooms to foster religious learning among the youth. For example, you can use an interactive information kiosk or a video wall in the prayer room to offer thousands of information bulletins, eBooks, and virtual tours of sacred places worldwide. Your congregation can go through these resources at their own pace.
As a result, this combines religious learning and enjoyment to improve the church experience. Additionally, the placement of signs in the prayer room will make the environment more conducive for prayer. For instance, you can install video screens that play common prayers or relaxing hymns and instrumentals.
5. Administrative Office Center

Lastly, another ideal sign location in your church is the administrative office center. Actually, 47% of people in one study remember seeing a specific message or advertisement. Therefore, to attract millennials, use digital signage in your administration office center to showcase charitable works like relief donations, tree plantations, or community-building activities.
Installing digital screens at the administrative office center is essential for highlighting your church’s ideologies, meeting agendas, and do’s and don’ts within the church grounds. Moreover, you can use wall signs to show RSS feeds from your websites. Indeed, RSS feeds share fresh perspectives on the bible, discuss the Christian culture, and share inspirational stories. Use these streamers on indoor displays for your congregation to see and engage.
Another application of digital signage at the administrative office center is for showing daily updates. Use scrolling new tickers for relaying internal news like daily reminders, sermon notes, and motivational quotes. These scrolling texts will not take up much screen space; therefore, you can play them alongside other content on the screen.
Connect With More People Using Church Signs
When placing digital signage in your worship center, familiarize yourself with building codes and street frontage rules. Also, consider the sign structure and types of signs. For example, window signs are more effective for the interior, while billboards work best outside. Additionally, think about the purpose of your signs.
For instance, do you want the signage to display the calendar year or for traffic control? Remember the placement of your digital signage will determine whether your congregation is more informed, engaged, and entertained.