For enterprise-level users of digital signage, managing a large amount of devices across large distances can become challenging.
To better assist clients like this, Mvix has added the Digital Signage Device Network Operations Center (NOC) to Mvix CMS. With this feature, you’ll be able to manage and monitor your devices to a greater extent than what is capable in the Device Library.
What You’ll Need
- An Active Mvix Signature Care Account
- Internet Connectivity
Getting Started
To access the Device NOC, simply (1) hover over the “Devices” and (2) select the “Device NOC” application from the drop-down menu.

Navigating The NOC

- Once the Device NOC opens, you should see the above image. This is the the “Device Monitoring Overview” and is the default view for the Device NOC.
- If you’d like to enable “Auto Scroll”, (1) toggle this feature at the top-left.
- At the top-right, you’ll see various other views & the filter options. These are:
- (2) Device Uptime – Historical view of device active status information
- (3) Device Network Map – Display a visual of network nodes of Device-Network Communication
- (4) Device Health Overview – A grid-view of device health data with status monitoring
- (5) Device Playback Previews – Displays a recent view of the current media playing on your devices
- (6) Device Monitoring Overview – Tabular view of device parameters, activity, & network status
- (7) Filters – Manually filter the devices shown by categories such as location, group, status, etc.
- At the bottom left of the module, we have two additional options for managing your network.
- (8) Alerts – Configure dynamic alerts and send as a text, email, or portal notification.
- (9) Share – Displays a URL to share device NOC data that be accessed publicly or embedded in a webpage.
Device Uptime View

ON the “Device Uptime” view, you’ll be able to see the your device’s uptime for the past 31 days. The view can be read as follows:
- Auto Scroll can be enabled by (1) toggling the option at the top-left.
- Your devices will be listed by their alias in the main body of the viewport.
- To the right of the name, you will see the past 31 days marked by individual bars. Hovering over a specific one will tell you the date. These bars are color-coded to denote if the CMS detected the player as active (Important Note: Even if the player was marked offline, offline content will still play on the device.) The colors are:
- (5) Green: The device was active the entire day
- (4)Yellow: The device had 1 or more inactive periods. Hovering over the day will provide more data on when these periods were.
- (3)Red: The device was not active during that day.
- You can further filter the results on the page by (7) clicking on the filter button at the top-right.
Device Network Map

This technical view allows users to properly see the map of how data transferred from from the device, through gateways & data centers, to the CMS. This is useful to see if there are any bottlenecks for why data is not transferring properly. Highlights of this view include:
- (1) Auto Scroll – Turn on auto-scrolling for this view
- (2) Digital Signage Device – Your devices will be listed here. Hover over will give device time, last reboot, last check-in, and current application version.
- (3) Data Speed – How fast (in milliseconds) data is transferred from one point to the next.
- (4) Data Nodes – These are gateways, data centers, servers, & other transfer points that your data travels on.
- (5) Endpoint – The final destination in the data transfer process.
Device Health Overview

This view let’s you see a condensed version of the health for all the devices across your network. Individual blocks are (1) the specific devices which you can see at the bottom of each block.
At the top, you will (2) see either a red or a green icon. Green means that it is actively connected to Mvix CMS while Red means that it is inactive.
Inside the blocks will be (3) specific health information such as CPU Temp, Network Speed, & Last Reboot. If there are any critical notices, there will be a (4) yellow or red notice. Hovering over this notice will display further information.
Device Playback Previews

Similar to the device previews module, this view provides a way to view what is currently playing on all your devices.
Your device (1) name & alias will be listed at the top and there will be a (2) device preview below it. At the bottom-left, you can see when the (3) device preview was last updated. Lastly, you can manually update the preview by (4) clicking the refresh icon at the bottom-right. (Please Note: you can only refresh a preview once per minute.)
Problems, Questions, Corrections: If you have any further questions, problems, or corrections you would like to see made, please open a support ticket.