The CMS supports many different media types. In other words, many different file and format types for video, audio, images, and more. Below is a comprehensive list of supported formats arranged by media types.
Supported Media Types
- mp4- MPEG4 video
- webm- HTML5 Video
- wav- Waveform Audio File Format
- mp3- MPEG Audio
- ogg- Ogg Vorbis
- bmp- Bitmap Image
- png- Portable Network Graphics
- jpg/jpeg- Lossy Image compression
- gif- Graphics interchange format
Recommended File Formats for Mvix Devices
- MP4 container with h.264 codec-This is a very common video container with the codec that provides great quality in small file sizes. A higher-quality video (720p, 1080p) will have a higher file size, and as such will take longer to upload to the CMS. The maximum recommended bitrate for your video is 5000 kbps.
- JPEG- Recommended max resolution of 1920x1080px, but larger images will be scaled to fit. As usual, higher-quality images will have higher file sizes, but this will not disrupt playback on the CMS.
- MP3 – An MP3 file is an audio file that uses a compression algorithm to reduce the overall file size. These files are easy to apply to the CMS and can be used as background for other media items.
Legacy Formats
Legacy File Formats are no longer supported. Please contact technical support if you are having issues with these files.
- avi- Audio/Video Interleaved
- wmv- Windows Media Video
- mov- Quicktime Movie
- mpg/mpeg- MPEG video
- wma- Windows Media Audio
Problems, Questions, Corrections: If you have any further questions, problems, or corrections you would like to see made, please open a support ticket.