Display Currencies

Each countries currency varies. Meaning the type and value of money they use differs. The exchange rates app provides real-time currency exchange rates from over a dozen different currencies. Display on digital signage to compare USD to your chosen currencies on an easy to read graph.

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Features Of Exchange Rates App

Know a Currency’s Value

For financial institutions, especially those who work with foreign currency, knowing the current exchange rate is paramount to keeping your institution running smoothly.

With this app, you can display the current and historical rates of over a dozen international currencies.

Our easily customizable chart works great for banks, airports, hotels, and other locations that regularly deal with multiple types of currency.

With the added option of showing the buy and sell margins, this application is perfect for viewers who are interested in currency exchanges.

  • Choose the currencies

    Select the currencies you want to compare with, the base currency is the dollar (USD).

  • Show rates and margins

    Show the buy and sell rate of a currency. Likewise, apply buy & sell margins, either by amount or percentages, as needed.

  • Display custom chart

    Display a comparison currency exchange rate chart for an easy to read visual.

Client’s Testimonials

Trusted by startups and the world’s largest companies

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Eastern Kentucky University

“Mvix provided an innovative way to bring solidarity to our college. Adaptable features relaying essential information in a steady stream to our EKU community.”

Jagger Coffey

Technology Resource Mangager

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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

“Mvix Digital Signage solutions has become an integral part of our program operations.”

Edward Harmon

Mission Director

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Encompass Health

“The cloud-based data sharing helps keep staff updated on changes to our processes and we can push targeted perfomance improvement projects directly to our employees.”

David Cashwell


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Tamarack Centre

“Mvix is once of the best companies I have dealt with in my 20 years of being on a Shopping Centre Management Team.”

Linda Birch

Manager of Resource Planning and Management

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