5 Ways Mini PCs Can Improve KPI Tracking for Logistics Teams
Logistics entails procuring and delivering goods, services, and information. From purchasing and warehousing to transportation and delivery, logistics involves the handling of resources at all of these stages.
A key performance indicator (KPI) is a tool businesses use to measure performance within their logistics department. Therefore, logistics managers deal with procuring the right amount of resources, transporting them to the correct place in good condition, and delivering them to the right client.

Poor logistics management significantly impacts your business’s bottom line. In fact, studies show that the human brain identifies images seen for as little as 13 milliseconds. This is why tracking KPIs with digital signage can significantly improve business operations. Here are five ways mini PCs can boost your logistics team’s KPI tracking through digital signage.
1. Tracking Order Management KPIs
Order management KPIs deal with orders and returns processing. These logistics metrics begin with a customer order. Mini PCs can help create digital signage featuring a KPI dashboard that includes shipping time, order accuracy, perfect order, on-time in-full, and the number of shipments.
Shipping time is the period of time it takes for a business to ship an order. This metric is crucial for customer satisfaction. On the other hand, order accuracy measures inventory on-hand and purchase order pick accuracy. When there is no high order accuracy rate, your business will experience slowdowns in sales, which costs time and money.
The perfect order KPI aims to measure the total number of orders shipped without issues like delays, inaccuracies, or damages. Similarly, the on-time in-full metric determines the number of shipments delivered according to the quantity and time specified.
Finally, the number of shipments measures the number of loads your business sent out within a given period. Determining the average of this logistics performance enables your logistics company to optimize its resources and achieve its financial goals.
Ultimately, mini PCs can provide digital signage to display order management KPIs to help managers determine shipping, order fulfillment, or shipment problems. Actually, research shows that presentations that employ visual aids are 43% more persuasive than those that don’t. For example, managers can get progress reports in real-time of whether a shipment arrived on time and the factors contributing to delays.
2. Tracking Supply KPIs
Supply KPIs track how goods are progressing through the supply chain. These measurements improve the efficiency of your business operations. Additionally, you can use these measurements to develop acceptable practices with your supply chain management partners.
Indeed, 56% of internal communication teams are considering increasing their use of digital signage within their organization. One area this will benefit is the supply chain performance. Thus, you can use mini PCs for creating digital signage that features supply chain KPIs metrics like lead time, capacity utilization, and productivity.
Lead time helps you determine the time that lapses between when a customer makes an order and when they receive it. Mini PC for digital signage can help you identify bottlenecks in the lead time. With capacity utilization, the aim is to determine the resources your company uses. For instance, a digital signage display will provide a graphic illustration of your company’s production of goods.
Productivity is a crucial logistics operations metric that measures the performance of your company’s workforce and machines. This enables you to deliver on your promises. As a result, mini PCs can help develop digital signage that supply managers can use to track resources and address inefficiencies.

3. Tracking Inventory KPIs
Inventory KPI measures your company’s inventory purchasing and production processes. Also, they may focus on productivity and cash flow. Mini PCs help display progress reports and goals for improved productivity. You can use digital signage manufacturing screens to inform and update your staff on purchases and production processes. Moreover, you can update these screens to prevent a lag in productivity.
Some metrics under inventory KPIs are customer backorder rate, inventory accuracy, inventory turnover, and inventory to sales ratio. First, the customer backorder rate measures how often you cannot fulfill an order. With a digital display of customer backorder statistics, you can determine the challenges affecting the delivery of orders.
Inventory accuracy measures what is in storage, while inventory turnover measures the number of times your company sells its stock of a specific product. On the other hand, the inventory to sales ratio measures what is in stock versus your fulfilled sales.
A digital depiction of these metrics can help you determine the slow-moving goods and stock the items in demand. Consequently, you can keep inventory expenses low relative to your sales and save money.
4. Tracking Distribution KPIs
Distribution KPIs deal with the way a product flows. Specifically, these metrics monitor how a product moves to a customer or from a distributor. The metrics under this KPI you can display on your digital signage include trailer utilization rate, warehousing costs, and average dwell time.
The trailer utilization rate monitors how well your business is loading trailers. It reflects your company’s load planning. You can use this metric to minimize the costs of loading your trailer. Warehouse operations costs include expenses like labor, equipment, delivery, and shipping that gets goods in and out of your warehouse. This KPI enables you to determine the efficiency of your warehouse management operations.
Finally, the average dwell time refers to the time a carrier sits before picking up and delivering products. You will struggle to attract drivers and pay more for services if you have a low average dwell time. Distribution managers can use mini PC for digital signage for forecasting different metrics affecting the flow of products.
5. Tracking Transport Management KPIs
Transport management KPIs track goods and help improve operations. The metrics under this KPI vary depending on what entity requires the information. These include delivery time, average days late, truck turning, and freight payment accuracy.
On-time delivery is a measurement of how fast an order arrives. The measure affects the delivery process of the entire order and not part of it. You can use a digital display as a messaging solution to inform managers when an order arrives in full.
Furthermore, the average late days reflect the days between when a delivery is due and when the customer gets the order. Managers can benefit from digital media insight into the delivery process and how it affects customer satisfaction.

Under the transport management KPI, truck turning is when a delivery vehicle enters your company to collect goods and when it leaves to deliver them. As a result, mini PCs for digital signage can help determine how well your business handles loading and unloading.
Freight payment accuracy measures the number of error-free freight bills versus the total number of freight bills within a specific period. So, monitoring this metric helps avoid unnecessary costs and helps ensure freight bill accuracy.
Lastly, transportation costs track an order’s price from the beginning until the final delivery. Therefore, it involves processing orders, administration, and inventory carrying expenses, warehousing, and transportation costs. A digital video wall presentation can help your business track transit time and make the necessary adjustments to ensure efficiency.
Improve KPI Tracking With Mini PCs
KPIs are a scorecard for your eCommerce and onsite business’s health. Identifying critical KPIs is the first step toward monitoring your company’s vital signs. Mini PCs are instrumental in helping management track logistic KPIs digitally without the strenuous manual process of constantly creating and updating records.
Therefore, digital signage displays give managers an explicit representation of how different metrics affect their businesses’ operations. Using mini PCs for tracking critical KPIs can significantly improve the efficiency and productivity of your business.