The Efficiency of Digital Court Docket Displays
Digital court docket displays are ideal for busy courthouses to streamline their communication methods.
Digital court docket displays are becoming more commonly seen in courts. Courts are beginning to leave static messaging in the past and adapt digital communication methods. Along with easily displaying court information and announcements to keep their visitors informed, court docket solutions come with many other benefits such as:
Reducing Labor
Court clerks are frequently asked about where specific courtrooms are located. So, court docket displays can lighten a court clerk’s workload by displaying courtroom numbers and a map of the building.
Court docket displays can also improve security checkpoints. That way, the staff can spend less time explaining security procedures and more time on productive tasks. It also lightens the court staff’s workload by answering questions regarding dress code and facility emergency exit locations.
Saving Resources
Static messages are costly and are time-consuming to update. Court docket displays are easy to update in real-time and require less work on the court clerk’s end.
Advanced Scheduling
Digital court docket displays have an advanced scheduling feature, allowing content to be played on specific days/times. The content can also be scheduled to repeat on certain days.
It is important for courts to deliver dynamic content to keep their audience engaged and informed. Court docket displays feature content such as:
Court Dockets
Courthouse visitors mostly want information that will guide them towards their desired location and court hearing times. Court dockets display up-to-date information on hearing room locations, case numbers, and even judge names.
Local Information
Court docket displays can also display local news as:
- Weather forecasts
- Upcoming events in the area
- Up-to-date traffic updates
Information Cards
These cards can be displayed on court docket displays and provide information such as:
- Rules of conduct
- Education on policies
- Security checkpoint procedures
- Dress code
Courthouse navigation is a common concern for visitors. So, wayfinding allows visitors to locate the nearest exits and provides a visual of what is on each floor of the courthouse.
Emergency Alerts
Alerts such as fires, gas leaks, and national disasters require immediate attention. Court docket displays can present safety information in real-time during the case of an emergency.
Social Media
Courthouses with a dedicated social media page can display their social wall to engage, inform, and also entertain their visitors.
The Benefits of Digital Court Docket Displays
Overall, court docket displays improve operational efficiency and the court visitor’s experience. Digital court docket displays help court visitors reach their desired location quickly and easily, which improves the overall court ambience and lessens the workload for court staff.