The Importance of Meeting Room Signs | Infographic
Meeting room signs are a must-have for companies that prioritize efficiency!
Employees no longer have to waste their valuable time searching for an empty meeting room. Instead, they can easily see when a room is taken on meeting room digital signage and a shared booking calendar app will allow them to book rooms in advance! Let’s take a look at the various perks and benefits meeting room signs:
Why are Meeting Room Signs Important?
Meeting room signs not only help with efficiency, but they also prevent meeting room conflicts and double bookings. The last thing you want on a busy workday is to find out your meeting room has been double-booked; avoid this error by implementing a digital meeting room sign outside of each meeting room.
Meeting hosts also have the option to end/extend a meeting which will give other company members an accurate idea of when the room will be available next.
Meeting room signs are also great for displaying available room resources and expectations.
Include a template in each room’s content rotation that describes the room’s size, features, and what is expected from employees who use the space. Employees should know most of this already, so this type of messaging is more suited to visitors.
This solution will make company expectations clear, and make sure each room is being used as it should.
This solution is also great for assigning meeting room names. For example, there can be a designated “brainstorming” room or a specific room for discussing monthly metrics. This strategy will make it easier for employees to distinguish each room and choose a room according to their needs.
The Benefits of Meeting Room Signs
As you can see, there are various benefits of meeting room signs. Check out these compelling statistics:
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