Enterprise Digital Signage Software since 2005
Enterprise Digital Signage Software Since 2005
The queue app allows you to display wait times on digital signage so your guests will know their spot in line. This is extremely effective in industries with high dwell times such as doctor offices, DMVs, and animal clinics.
A common issue in wait rooms is the impatience and annoyance of both having to wait and how much longer you will have to be there.
With this app on Mvix CMS, you can customize and display the current queue to waiting guests.
This can help reduce perceived wait time as well as bring some comfort and entertainment.
When combined with other time related apps or news, you can make your digital signage display look professional.
Queue management organizes business by displaying live wait times, the attending doctor's name, and line placement.
Display additional forms of content such as videos, social media profiles, and RSS feeds to engage guests as they wait.
By showing guests their place in line and other engaging content, they can be distracted as they wait which improves the customer experience.