How to Customize Your Airport Board

Airports need to communicate with travelers every time of day. Thanks to the evolution of technology, the means to communicate with commuters has transformed significantly. From old-fashioned print advertising to standard televisions, and now to digital information display systems.

These digitized display boards provide real-time information inside and around airport terminals. Also, some airports link the information back to their websites. Here are some of the applications of airport board displays.

1. Wayfinding

One of the most important aspects of airport information displays is wayfinding. These systems help travelers find their way to the airport with a lot of ease. For example, since each flight has unique gate information. A traveler can access gate information about their flight.

Moreover, your baggage can easily get lost or stolen at the airport. The information displays also provide information about your baggage. This is important for travelers and baggage handlers. 

2. Updates on Changing Times

Live flight information displays (FIDs) are not limited to airports. The information displayed on these screens helps passengers even before they arrive at the airport. For instance, travelers need updates on flights like arrival times, delays, or changes. Through airport applications, travelers can receive real-time feedback on the status of their flights. Therefore, travelers can adjust their itinerary remotely without going to the airport to confirm their flights.

3. Transportation Services

FIDs are critical for rental agencies and shuttles. When these systems display reliable information regarding flights, travelers are more capable of making accurate travel plans. Consequently, travelers are not left stranded because of flight cancellations or unforeseen delays.

Transportation services can also exploit these FIDs to make money. For example, when a traveler learns of flight delays or cancellations, they may extend their contract. This allows them time to schedule another flight. Furthermore, this airport board helps transport services determine their capacity to accommodate clients and make adjustments to promote customer satisfaction.

4. Additional Source of Revenue

FID systems combine flight information with other streams of revenue. In essence, the LED displays do not only display a list of flight arrivals and departures. Actually, these systems split information into segments. This means one part of the screen has wayfinding information, another part shows flight information, and another shows advertising.

If properly utilized, FIDs boost sales for airport tenants and concessions by imparting marketing-oriented information. For instance, the displays can show special offers on items that travelers may consider buying. Additionally, these FIDs can advertise restaurant reservations, special meals, and discounts.

5. Entertainment

In this internet survey generation, many people rely on the internet for almost everything, including entertainment. However, assuming the travelers are not using mobile data, airport information displays provide an alternative source of entertainment. This is especially important when travelers are waiting for their flights or during inconveniences like delays or bad weather. Entertainment helps keep the minds of the travelers away from their flights.

For example, the FIDs can display weather news, sporting events, a TV series, or Disney movies. In fact, for kids, cartoons and other animated infotainment can help keep them from disturbing adults. 

6. Improved Customer Service

Nowadays, there is no need for customers to address their concerns at physical locations. In the case of airports, travelers do not have to go to counters to express their queries. Airport information displays have gone the extra mile of extending to smartphones.

Indeed, the use of digital display signage also targets smartphone subscribers. The airports can create web pages where they post important information. For example, these web pages could have a customer service area where travelers can post their details and make queries. Customers get updates on all issues, including the weather and the status of their flights through their phones.

Additionally, the use of digital information displays reduces the queues in airport counters. Furthermore, the airport staff is not overworked and more productive. This also promotes personalized services.

7. Elevated Employee Communication

An engaged workforce is essential for the success of the airport. Therefore, one way to achieve that is through promoting solid lines of communication. Most importantly, you should cut through the communication barriers through digital signage solutions.

First, these information display systems improve productivity by ensuring all airport staff have equal access to transparent communications. Secondly, these systems minimize the cost of employee turnover. Lastly, flight display systems keep employees updated with the current status of airport events, which makes them more efficient when attending to clients.

Airport Board Conclusions

The airport is always a buzz with activity. For travelers, this means a lot of confusion, long queues, and inconveniences like lost items. However, to make a traveler’s experience pleasant and memorable, airports use information displays.

These systems do not only make it easier for travelers to access all they need, but also for airport staff to attend to clients. Moreover, airport information displays boost the revenue of airports. The advancement of airport information displays has tremendously improved airport services and replaced outdated forms of communication.

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