How Digital Signage Can Reduce Office Burnout

Office burnout is something that has been there even before the start of the pandemic. This type of burnout is usually characterized by mental exhaustion, anxiety, and apathy due to spending too many hours on digital devices. Excess workflow can also aggravate your team members’ burnout symptoms and stress levels.

The technology used today is also a reason for increasing cases of less work-life balance and signs of burnout among employees. According to a Workplace Productivity Report of 2019, employee burnout is widespread across all work environments. So, can digital signage reduce burnout and promote wellness, mental health, and professional efficacy in the workplace? This post will discuss all that in more detail.

How Digital Signage Can Reduce Office Burnout

Digital signage systems are increasingly becoming pervasive in various industries based on the growing adoption of out-of-home marketing, menu systems, wayfinding solutions, and retail branding. Besides, the cost of digital screens has been decreasing, and cloud-based content distribution has incentivized brands and organizations to inject more digital solutions into their spaces. Markedly, digital signage is everywhere, including at grocery stores, bus stops, fast food outlets, and shopping malls.

However, digital signage isn’t without shortcomings: people quickly get burnout on “winky-blinky” screens that display “flashy-flashy” content. Since digital signage is already widely integrated into the environment, it’s crucial not to overload people with more screen time, as the content can become irrelevant.

No matter how elaborate the video editing is, how slick the motion graphics are, or how attractive the images are, digital signage content can become visual noise if not appropriately handled.

So, regardless of whether people are doing remote work or office work, they may not overcome incidents of digital burnout on a typical workday. However, as an employer, you can overcome workplace stress related to employee burnout by implementing digital signage while paying attention to these five helpful tips:

1. Establish an Office Information Center

Since digital signs are more eye-catching than whiteboards and bulletin boards, they can make your team members feel included in what is happening around them. In other words, digital displays help eliminate the traditional way of gathering around the water cooler to catch up with the latest news on what is going on around the workplace.

That is where Mvix Digital Signage, a supplier of world-class digital signage, comes in to help reduce burnout in an office space. In particular, break-room digital signage will likely uplift your employee morale for a smooth workflow. Additionally, these digital signs can help fine-tune internal communication strategy in the best way possible.

For example, your company can leverage digital signals and content to create calendars sharing events, work schedules, and upcoming appointment times. That can go a long way in keeping your office teams informed about daily tasks by the hour while saving time on general questions.

2. Providing a Little Fun

Besides social media platforms, digital signage can provide some little fun for your team members. These digital displays don’t necessarily have to be all directives and information. Instead, you can use them to provide trivia games that allow team building and healthy employee competition.

Fun at Work

With that being said, make sure to integrate a few jokes, entertaining videos, and a handful of fun tidbits about your team members. That is because digital sign displays are ideal for breaking up the monotony in the office space on a typical workday.

3. Providing Some Inspiration

Digital signage can inspire the audience in addition to informing the general public. Even some digital signage suppliers go the extra mile to provide free motivational templates to office workers. 

With motivational displays in place, your employees can quickly achieve their goals, improve their personal life, and optimize their work performance.

4. Promoting Self Connection

As an employer, you should not discount the importance and general aspects of social work. Even though work has undergone a tremendous change since the pandemic began, many people still rely heavily on their connection with colleagues. After all, workplace self-connection is a large part of your employees’ social life. 

Plus, through this self-connection, they can keep in touch with their fellow workers or stay connected with their family members. Therefore, if this connection remains healthy among your employees, it can help create a solid social foundation in the office space. 

To achieve this feat, you must focus on digital signage. The technology can provide notifications, display wayfinding, and communicate vital information across your team members. Moreover, digital signage can play an integral role in fostering a deep connection within a modern office setup.

5. Stress Mitigation

Lack of work-life balance and self-care at the workplace can potentially increase stress levels. When your workers are stressed, their productivity slows down, leading to the loss of revenue. To help them stay productive, you must find ways to keep them less stressed and motivated.

Digital signage should be your ultimate solution to your employee burnout. 

Keep in mind that digital signage reduces burnout by a considerably large percentage. So, it would be best to focus on employee-facing digital signage as you work on consumer-facing digital signage.

According to statistics, more than 50% of end-users prefer placing their digital signs in a consumer-facing manner rather than employee-facing signage. The more you learn and embrace the positivity of digital signals, the more you can raise your employees’ morale. The employ-facing digital signage is a great way to mitigate stress in the office space.

6. Promote Employer Brand Strength

You can promote your company by improving your employer branding through digital signage. In other words, your digital signage content should promote the workplace as the environment every employee wants to be in. As such, you should tailor your content around the following crucial aspects:

  • Employee recognition and appreciation: Bear in that employees who are consistently recognized, appreciated, and lauded for their excellent work feel motivated throughout. For that reason, digital signage can inspire some employees by recognizing their contributions to your company’s success.
  • Creating an inclusive and equal workplace culture: 80% of employees value diversity and are more productive in workplaces that promote inclusivity. Consider hosting periodic live focus group events broadcast on industrial screens across different locations and departments. Ideas for digital signage content to reduce burnout include creating focus groups, raising awareness of political and social events in the workplace, and addressing communication barriers.
  • Employee health and wellbeing: Mental health is becoming a top priority for many organizations, as those employees who get burnt out or suffer from depression are less likely to be productive, engaged, or satisfied. Therefore, you can cultivate a safe and understanding environment that indicates empathy by distributing health policies through digital signage to reduce burnout. Empathy is a crucial factor for 96% of employees when deciding to stay at a company.
  • Improving employees’ skills: Gartner reports that upskilling employees will, in the next ten years, outweigh tenure and experience. So career advancement isn’t only important to reduce employee burnout and disengagement but also necessary for a company’s growth and coming of age.

Final Thought

Besides digital marketing and informing the target audience, digital signage can lower cases of office burnout. Using digital sign displays in your organization is a first step to ensuring that your workers are stress-free and happy, especially post the pandemic. These digital signs can positively affect the office space or those doing remote work. So, the best way to change your workplace significantly is to integrate digital signage to reduce burnout. 

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