Top 5 Locations To Install Digital Signage in Retail Stores

Did you know that digital signage in retail stores can increase the average purchase amount by 29.5%? Interestingly, 80% of brands that use digital signage record a significant increase in sales. Whether you run a small boutique or franchise, digital signage provides highly-effective and attractive solutions to promote your products and services.

Much of a customer’s perception depends on your store’s design. While most business owners use traditional signage to promote their stores, modern customers aren’t interested in old-fashioned signage. Instead, they find modern forms of displays like interactive touch screens, video walls, and digital signs more attractive.

So, if you’re not already using digital signage in your in-store retail business, you should consider trying it. Doing so will improve the operational and marketing aspects of your business. Investing in digital signage is only a one-time investment that’ll pay dividends for years. All you have to worry about is light maintenance.

However, having digital signage in a retail store isn’t enough. It would be best to consider proper digital signage placement in the retail store. The screens’ positioning should be in areas where most customers spend a lot of time to maximize exposure and conversions. Here are some excellent locations to consider when starting with digital signage in retail stores.

1.  Employee Break Room

Digital signage in retail store breakroom

Employee break rooms are one of the most distinct areas in the workplace. Your employees are busy, yet they need a break once in a while. When they do, the best place to head to is the break room. Break rooms provide the best chance to get your employees’ undivided attention, especially with digital signage for break rooms.

Digital signage is the modern-day bulletin board that allows you to constantly deliver relevant, engaging content to your employees. It may even be your chance to communicate with employees with limited access to email or smartphones.

Because digital signage updates content in real-time, it’s easy to pass the most important messages to your employees, and you can be sure they’ll pay attention. You can leverage digital signage to draw in your employees with eye-catching imagery and text.

Besides, you can boost their morale and make them feel valued depending on the content you display, hence increasing their productivity. When used correctly, employees always look forward to checking break room signage for internal communications.

2.  Aisle End Cap

Digital signage in retail store aisle end cap

End cap digital displays are ideal for heavily trafficked main aisles. For example, well-positioned end cap store signage will draw customers’ eyes and influence consumer behavior. Consider placing smaller digital screens with more targeted promotional content at the aisle end caps for a more significant impact.

More specifically, the content should be related to the nearby products and, if possible, include exclusive product information and product demo videos. The digital screens may be activated by movement and controlled by customer interaction.

Various reasons to use aisle end cap displays include:

  • Consumer eye and foot traffic: The end cap displays are the first thing your customers will see upon entering your retail store. You can draw their eyes to new products with compelling end cap graphics, making them stop.
  • Selling items more quickly: Visual merchandising can help sell faster than any other strategy in a retail store. If you effectively use end cap displays, customers can believe that they’re about to miss out on something. So, the assumption makes it easy to move overstocked or discontinued merchandise quickly, clearing out space for newer products.
  • The belief of a deal: Customers always want bargains, and when you emphasize end cap promotions, they believe they’re getting a discount on the product on display. The strategy is more effective if you draw their attention to the low product price.

However, you won’t automatically succeed with end cap signage without using it correctly. Vibrant backlit colors and high-resolution text are just some factors to keep in mind.

3.  Wayfinding Touch Kiosks

Wayfinding Digital Signage and Informational Touch Kiosks

The adoption of retail digital signage for wayfinding is on the increase. Markedly, 60% of enterprises without digital signage plan to invest in it within the next two years. Having an effective wayfinding strategy to guide customers around a complex using clear signage and simple floor layouts is crucial. If a customer feels they don’t have any control of their environment and can’t navigate around a space, they might:

  • Become more critical of the merchandise
  • Spend less time in the store
  • Not make an impulse purchase
  • Form a negative impression of a store, which impacts their loyalty

In establishing a wayfinding digital signage system, ensure you have clear goals for your business. For example, your objective could be to help customers find the various store sections they need. Additionally, you can incorporate digital touch kiosks with wayfinding signage to deliver high-quality and easy-to-access information.

4.  Store Entrance

digital signage in retail store entrance

Research shows that 76% of customers have entered a store after seeing digital signage. That tells you that you can use digital signage in retail stores to get customer attention and boost foot traffic in your business. Unfortunately, the potential of digital signage in retail store entrances is not yet fully exploited by business owners. Yet it’s not because they’re unaware that store screens bring more business. Instead, they know why to use it but not how to.

Consider leveraging the power of outdoor window displays to activate the human impulse to look. The fear of missing out on your store’s offers is enough to persuade customers to step inside your store. Once they get inside, you’ve undoubtedly hooked them by creating a great first impression.

Since the modern customer is all about technology, you’re likely to attract 78% of millennial shoppers to your store, compared to 70% of baby boomers. Besides, interactive digital signage displays at the entrance can help customers search for items in-store. That gives you a platform to gather data on what your customers want.

5.  POS Display

digial signage in retail store

Point of sale (POS) displays refer to promotional printed materials installed at the POS. Sadly, most retailers waste this space. On the contrary, savvy store owners often leverage eye-catching POS displays. They do so to take advantage of the premium advertising space around the store’s POS section. The displays allow retailers to upsell and cross-sell products to boost in-store spending by influencing purchasing decisions.

You can invest in freestanding display units or attractive hanging signs above the till points to encourage impulse purchases. Creatively designed and strategically placed temporary, semi-permanent, or permanent POS displays can spell all the difference in the average spend-per-visit per customer.

Choosing the Best Location for Digital Signage in Retail Stores

Digital signage is a simple and attractive approach to speaking to customers to maximize business visibility and improve sales. You have virtually endless opportunities when you understand the benefits of using digital signage and how to place it properly.

Undoubtedly, the employee break room, your store’s end cap, POS display, and entrance are some of the places that can benefit from digital signage solutions. Remember to factor in other digital signage factors like font, distance, lighting, and colors to enhance the customer experience.

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