Playlists are a great way to display numerous pieces of content over a period of time. This is especially useful for clients looking to display a “slideshow” style of media to their audience without needing to manually adjust your media while publishing.
Note: The maximum suggested number of items to be put in a playlist is 150. Beyond this, the playlist will begin to suffer from slowness, issues loading, stuttering, etc., as too many files can increase download times, and your device will struggle to play them all.
Getting Started

Our playlists do not carry any sort of limit in regards to what media you can add. However, pacing the flow of your playlist can be tricky. Try to break up long strings of images with a short video, or other types of media, and think about how long you want each piece of media to be featured for. This can help you arrange your media, as well as decide on how long to let each slide display.

- You can edit the individual playtime of each slide, or edit all of them together with the 00:00:10 section at the bottom left of the above image.
- NOTE: Videos or preset timed content will need to play for the full duration of the file. Setting the slide playtime to less than the video run-time will cause errors in the playlist, as the device tries to display less content than the file requires.

- Each file you add is more data for your device to process and display, so if it started struggling to display the content, consider removing some, or resizing the images to a more standard resolution.
- Note: While the Mvix CMS does allow files of up to 1 GB, it is not recommended to upload images of that file size.
As suggested above, the resolution of your content is an important consideration. The maximum suggested resolution for items in a playlist is 1920×1080.

- Transitions are a great way to manage the way your slides appear on your screen, and we have a wide variety to choose from. You can apply individual slides their own transitions, or select one for all the slides via the “Select Transition” drop-down menu.
- Tip: If you are having trouble deciding, we suggest either “Fade” or “Slide Left” as they are a common and easy to view option.
- Note: Randomized transitions being used on the entirety of larger playlists can cause the playlist to have issues loading, especially on Core devices, as the hardware has a difficult time rendering a large number of varied transitions.
Once you have your playlist built and ready to go, you can publish it as a standalone piece, or nest it inside a template to display concurrently with even more content!
Problems, Questions, Corrections: If you have any further questions, problems, or corrections you would like to see made, please open a support ticket.